
Drinkers With Writing Problems is now open for submissions from guest writers.

We are seeking both flash fiction and flash non-fiction.

Submissions may be sent to and we ask that you follow the guidelines listed below.

Submission Guidelines:

Stories should be under 1,500 words.

Please send your submission as an attachment (.doc or .docx files).

Font should be simple, preferably Times New Roman, and size should be 12 point, double-spaced.

Please only submit one piece at a time.

Please include a cover letter with a 3rd person bio for use if accepted, and indicate if your submission is fiction or non-fiction.

Please thoroughly proofread and edit your work prior to submitting.

Simultaneous submissions are okay, but please inform us immediately if it is accepted elsewhere.

We are seeking new original content and are not open to previously published work at this time.  We are also not open to pitches, we like to see finished stories.

Please note: we retain first electronic rights and non-exclusive rights. We ask that you credit “originally published on Drinkers With Writing Problems” if your story is later republished in a different journal or site.

We are a small, volunteer-run operation, so please allow 6 weeks for your story to be reviewed and to receive a response.